Since 2016, when a volunteer at Cal's hospice program at Abington-Jefferson named Marie heard there was a need for hospital gowns small enough for babies, we started to work together with our friends at the Kind Pediatric Hospice Unit on this special project.
There is something rather remarkable about Marie, a retired grandmother in Pennsylania, carefully choosing the fabric and lovingly making dozens of gowns by hand.
For the families from around the globe undergoing treatment, you cannot help but sense the love and hope that Marie puts into each gown featuring Charlie Brown or Disney characters.
These gowns carry all our hopes and dreams from Pennsylvania to the children from all over the globe receiving treatment at San Raffaele.
I hate leukodystrophy and what it has done to my daughter, but I do not what I would do without the amazing people who have come into our lives only because of leukodystrophy.
It is astounding to witness the beauty and love in strangers.
Get to the root of why you’re feeling this way and I promise you’ll be about a million times happier for it!